Teitanblood Ultimate Revelation Descend
He that Beholdeth the Portals of Hell which are opened Seven ancient strongholds and which are to come forth a Final apocalypse Gateway to the Unholy Purge Seals to break and unchain the winged Beast Endless Ruler Imperial Kremator Watchlord of the Unseen Spawned from the Abyss Keeper of Keys of Hell and Death Dormant in primordial dimension Fever macht frei There's no Hope, No Salvation REPENT AND BURN!!! 19:11 An Eclipse of blood and darkness vanishes the last light of resurrection Heaven is pierced by the Trident Celestial sear, Fatal wound Disemboweled Universe Bleeding voidborn stars falling in deathstorms of flames Dropping their guts like Winds of thousand plagues razing the Earth Fallen Angel... Hermetic Lord of an antediluvian Earth the last of the Coming Race wielder of the sword of the coldest fire He, that raiseth from the hollow core Open the Ovens of Hell bottomless seas of lethal smoke... Hell and Void to become One. 16:1 Impure copulation of a cursed offspring Prison your brethren The Lamb is already executed and reptiles swallow the newborn Beheaded angels howl their defeat War yells of unspeakable tongues Enochian prayers are whispered Dissonant trumpets... funebre harps Roar the last march At the Womb of Armageddon (where) Armies of Him which are Commanded Hellwards the [OMEGA] Desolation