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Fields Of Grey Lyrics

Tepetricy Fields Of Grey

Like the end of terminator 3... the two are stuck in
the hidden command center
under ground because of the nuclear war. In this song,
the future is long since
past. The sun has ran its course. A man in fear of his
life has built a
underground fallout room with one window. Everything
out side of this room is
being destroyed. The plants and animals are dead...
everyone is dead. He is
more an android then a member of the human race. This
song is about his thoughts
at the end of his life. He's going mad, madder by the
second. This room is
getting colder and colder. He regrets being in the
room. Maybe he's a prisoner
that the world forgot about. He's going to die in his
prison alone and freezing.
In solitary, in a special containment area...
Verse 1
I see the bodies,
they scream to me, with their cold tongues.
No room to feel in a place with no life.
My efforts are in vain,
Destiny's hand, I can't remove her stain.
Throw another blanket on the fire,
(scream) to put out the flames!
These dogs are loose and after me,
they smell my fear and incense dead.
pull the plug right out of me,
so I might get away.
So I watch in darkness under caves,

as the roads, hopeless, they just drift away.
I didn't think I would beg for it to be over.
5/8 mysterious section elite
Verse 3
The pounding on my cage is over now,
the life is dead, survival is just myth.
Sometimes I find it hard to breath.
Why did I set myself apart this way?
I should have died like all the rest.
Ceasing all that's in existence
so I put out my flames
Every race, regardless, crucified.
Like all the rest, I too, the one who should have died.
My senseless painting, lost from its own self devotion.
I lie here misery, still never kept emotion.
As the rain storm, beats my head back down,
The quiet comfort of a futuristic lullaby.
I watch the sun... go down for its one last time.
.... one more time.
I see the bodies,
they scream to me, with their cold tongues.
No room to feel in a place with no life.
My efforts are in vain,
Destiny's hand, I can't remove her stain.
Throw another blanket on the fire,
(scream) to put out the flames!
