Tom Shaw Dream
You won't get to see results of your life's fecund strain
Some will learn what occurred if there is canvas free
Others will take control and censor the story
If only you could see first hand what is to be
An unlikely breath-taking intergalactic family tree
and it will
Be nothing like anything that anyone has seen
Overwhelming with gargantuan intricacy
By which curious souls could easily be appeased
And it would tear colossal voids in their very reality
The things you've seen
The things you'll see
And when it makes its way the universe will see,
It take another form, purpose, trajectory,
The source material of all life on a rock,
That spins in interstellar systems far away,
Stable velocity allows for a routine
That continues for millions of light-centuries
New designs derive from the quirks of alien places
So now you're the divine origin of whole societies
It's all a dream
It's just a dream