Toyah Pop Star
(Words Willcox/Music Lee,Glockler) walk talk bend and break Stumble Crumble The world car Lost city of fire Pyramids shake Apartment blocks Awake am alone On this lost city of Mars have grown alone Among glass and stolen cars The pylons hum Geckos run Conveyor belts hum Stars tumble To the foot Of the temple am alone On this lost city of Mars have grown alone Among glass and stolen cars The doors The ice million Glass eyes On a trillion Wheeling cogs The dust The rust million mouths sigh In the lost city of the Gods The strangers applaud The sect of lost horizons And distant shores Applause Childhood delusions of grandeur and fame You open door In I came am the child You need to feed receive your intentions With instinctive greed I'm the pet of the multitudes I'm the pet of your metal and tubes fluid and goo Corridors and pavements Conveyor belts And streams Cosmetic operations For all buildings in need Pods and peas, metal fatigue Pedestrians with soda syphons Clockwork mice and twelve foot pythons Hitchhikers Guide and Monty Pythons