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A Farmer's Christmas Prayer Lyrics

Walter Brennan A Farmer's Christmas Prayer

You know Lord it's been awhile since I talked with you
I've been so galdarnd busy with that crop and all and
Well, I guess I just forgot to take time out.
But I ain't a-forgettin' that crop you done give us
this year
Hmm, and that little heifer you brought us is growing
like a weed
Yes sir, without that crop Lord
I guess I'd a had to do without that new plow
And ma wouldn't have that new Sundy dress she's so
proud of now.
Ah, I guess we wouldn't have a lot of thing Lord if it
weren't for you
And that new church in the valley, Lord
Well, that's about the finest thing you could ever do.
The towns might proud of it
We're all gonna be there at Christmas day too.
Oh, you know Billy's gonna make it home

From the Army for Christmas this year
And we all want to thank you for that
'Cause we sure do miss him.
It seems like just yesterday
We was buying him Christmas toys
And he was a runnin' all over the house
Makin' a lot of noise.
You know ma and me we laugh about that every now and
Aw, it's gonna be good to have him home again
Well Lord, I suppose I used up about all of my time
And there must be lots of others a-waitin' in line.
I reckon during this time of year
Lots of people is a-waitin to share the Christmas cheer
So don't you worry non about us Lord
Cause me and my family is gonna have a merry Christmas
And a happy New Year...
