Waterdeep Without You
Daddy, I don't know what to do
So, Daddy, now I'm looking straight at you
I just don't want to try it on my own again
Cause I'll just end up all alone again
Right now I don't know where to go
And no one can tell me how the wind's gonna blow
Just don't want to try it on my own again
Cause I'll just end up all alone again
without You
and nothing to do
Without You,
There's nothing to my life at all
When I leave You is when I fall
I always feel so far away
like walking home would take six days
I've tried to wring water out of sand
I've gotten off my knees and tried to stand
without You
and nothing to hold on to
Without You
There's nothing to hold on to
Cause when I'm lost, I find you