Weberty Moreira The Beetles Song
The first list (Because there is never to be)
Records on the best (About the best)
Standing between the generations ... (Generations)
Winners for being what they were,
Regardless of your present or future in their hands.
Always went back and listened to the past (the past)
Who has not wanted to Be One of Them? (Being one of them)
But Who Does Not Know They is the beetles of music?
(Beetles music) Yeh! We'll know now!
The Beatles (always on time)
To finally take you with them ...
The Beatles, who spoke on Penny Lane.
Or Hey Jude! Who has not heard ...
They are the beetle’s music!
Remember that young people were
Where they raised their musical lives
We believe that children were
Where they created their music in our lives (lives)
It's unclear how they were actually
But we know that they were first on the list,
Records to remind us.
That's right, the beetles of the songs from Liverpool.
The Beatles (always on time)
To finally take you with them ...
The Beatles, who spoke on Penny Lane.
Or Hey Jude! Who has not heard ...
They are the beetle’s music!
(The Beatles)
The first of the list!
(The Beatles)
The best records!
(The Beatles)
Yes... The Beatles with the letter a!
Beetles of the music of Liverpool
The songs memorable forever.