Whitewoods When Cameron Was In Egypt's Land
Og noremaC ym teL
Dnal s'tpygE ni saw noremaC nehW
Hi, Tom. Whatcha doin'?
Hey, Cassie. I don't know. Just chillin'
Is something... bothering you?
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Like what?
Well... it's... not easy for me to talk about
I was surfin' the net last night... and I saw some things... some things came up that made me feel really lousy
Oh. I think I know what you mean
I was embarrassed. I'm glad... no one but my sister 'n me saw it
You know, that happened to me once, too. I was really uncomfortable about what I saw
What did you do?
I told my mom and dad!
What did they say?
They said...
[Bizarre-faced man]
Hi, Tom. Whatcha doin'?
Hey, Cassie. I don't know. Just chillin'
Is something... bothering you?
Sort of
Like what?
Well... it's... not easy for me to talk about
I was surfin' the net last night... and I saw some things... some things came up that made me feel really lousy
Oh. I think I know what you mean
I was embarrassed. I'm glad... no one but my sister 'n me saw it
You know, that happened to me once, too. I was really uncomfortable about what I saw
What did you do?
I told my mom and dad!
What did they say?
They said... that... there are gonna be some things that come up on the computer
Whenever you're online, doing what you're supposed to do, and something comes up on your screen that makes you feel bad, or uncomfortable, you should tell your parents right away. But remember, because these things come up, it doesn't mean that it's your fault
When Cameron was in Egypt's land
Let my Cameron go