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Protomartyr Lyrics

»  3 Swallows
»  A Private Understanding
»  Ain't So Simple
»  Bad Advice
»  Blues Festival
»  Born To Be Wine
»  Boyce Or Boice
»  Bridge & Crown
»  Bubba Helms
»  Caitriona
»  Cartier E.G.S
»  Clandestine Time
»  Come & See
»  Corpses In Regalia
»  Cowards Starve
»  Day Without End
»  Don't Go To Anacita
»  Dope Cloud
»  Ellen
»  Feast Of Stephen
»  Feral Cats
»  Forbidden
»  Free Supper
»  Half Sister
»  Here Is The Thing
»  Hot Wheel City
»  How He Lived After He Died
»  I Am You Now
»  I Forgive You
»  I Stare At Floors
»  I'll Take That Applause
»  In My Sphere
»  June 21
»  King Boots
»  Machinist Man
»  Maidenhead
»  Male Plague
»  Michigan Hammers
»  Modern Business Hymns
»  My Children
»  Pagans
»  Pontiac 87
»  Principalities
»  Processed By The Boys
»  Same Face In A Different Mirror
»  Scum, Rise!
»  Son Of Dis
»  Tarpeian Rock
»  The Aphorist
»  The Chuckler
»  The Devil In His Youth
»  The Hermit
»  Too Many Jewels
»  Tranquilizer
»  Trust Me Billy
»  Uncle Mother's
»  Up The Tower
»  Violent
»  Wait
»  Want Remover
»  What The Wall Said
»  Whatever Happened To The Saturn Boys?
»  Wheel Of Fortune (feat. Kelley Deal)
»  Why Does It Shake?
»  Windsor Hum
»  Wine Of Ape
»  Worm In Heaven
»  You Always Win (feat. Kelley Deal)
»  Ypsilanti
