Alix Dobkin Living With Lesbians
The fields were cut the other day
We hired a boy up the hill
A neighbor has lowered the old barn down
We admire his equipment, his skill
My daughter, she's five, he lets her drive
His bulldozer, he shows her how
We do all that we can, but we
Can't always manage to live just with women now
Liza is my sweetheart: Adrian is my child
We've been working out our relationships:
Our tastes, our flaws, our styles
I attend their moods, ideas, demands;
They do the same for me
And living with Liza I've learned to rely
On her insight: Her sanity
Smokey and Mary live right next door
In a home-sweet-home they built so well
We're preparing our stoves for the winter's cold
And we're stacking up our fuel
Penny and Janet are coming tonight to watch Rhoda's
New season premiere
They've been trying out life in the country
And we're all hoping they'll move around here
Oh, there are lesbians over in the valley
Further south, in the mountains: more
They are making their lives with women work
Like it's never been done before
There are more in town: Many more around
That I've never met, I know
And we have friends in the cities, in the centers of men
Where the women can toughen up so
Living with lesbian sensibilities
They absorb our time: Inspire our thought
Provoke anger, sometimes injury
Bring out, talk about, analyse, then agree
What is really going on
Lesbian consciousness: Struggle to get
It's a skill, it cannot be withdrawn
I'm living with women
I'm living with lesbians