Axamenta Of Genesis And Apocalypse
Cut was the tongue of lucidity
Solitude whispered deceit
Yet not sprung from lying tongues
Was the nausea that grew
As through unease reason unstrung
Horizons withered apace
The borders of my perception
Shrunk to ruins, crimson-tinged
As the empyrean crumbled down
From the universal frame unhinged
Rubescent spirals swelled
From burning ruptures aloft
Its eyes - its stare
I sense death in the breath of this impasse
Descending - revealing - from the flameborn coil
Undeniable - shape shifting cold images of the past
Its eyes - its stare - a cold glance from the mirror to
Madness spat from the looking glass - I sense death in
the breath of this impasse
The empty footprints preceding me throughout my path
unveil their secrecy
As in the second of his touch aeons of incarnations
stirred much
“And the stars in the sky fell to earth, as late figs
drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind
The sky receded like a scroll, rolling up, and every
mountain and every island was removed from its place
Then the kings of the earth, the princess, the
generals, the rich, the mighty, and every slave and
every free man
was consumed in the fire that fell from the heavens.
Flaming pyres compelled
The earth to shiver oft
Its eyes - its stare - a fatal glance for the world to
The chain reaction’s verge of time was reached,
rendering the world sublime
The stabiliser was withdrawn on the last breath of
dying light
The beginning and ending of the chain are quenched in
Leaving the causal nexus with -termination- to coincide