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Take Care Of This House Lyrics

Barbra Streisand Take Care Of This House

Here in this shell of a house
This house that is struggling to be
A beacon of light shining all through the night
So bright that the whole world could see

But now there's a chill in the room
Windows are starting to leak
Floorboards are starting to creak
And hope, hope may arrive
The house will survive
If only these walls could speak

Take care of this house
Keep it from harm
If bandits break in sound the alarm
Care for this house
Shine it by hand
And keep it so clean the glow can be seen all over the land

Be careful at night, check all the doors
If someone makes off with a dream, the dream will be yours
Take care of this house
Be always on call
For this house is the hope of us all

Beware of false smiles that lead you astray
When someone is telling you lies let truth lead the way
Take of this house
Be always on call
Care for this house
It's the hope of us all
