Bermuda Bonnie Aliens Lizza!
On Saturday, the 28th, last month while sitting on that big oak
Stump, in Lizza Gents backyard we're playin' cards and
We share a cigarette we took from Tanya's mom's purse
She said let's sneak out and we'll go get drunk and play DDR at
Kevin Nicolas' house. Kev's so cute and Nick Plinkus too
And maybe he'll be willing to makeout with you. Then she said
Some crap to my face, involving Nick and pancakes!
Maybe I want to makeout with him, just not today. And then I
Was totally just about to say: Lizza, I'm so done with you. Your
Conceited ways. I could smear all over your face mayonnaise
Then you'll break out into one big zit. Please
Or why don't you call up your new friends the third chair flutes
Or another two-face ploy you got yourself into the Y with your
Black lipstick applied while talking to the junction boys
Then I was just gonna go home and read some Sweet Valley
Twins when just then I looked up and saw it, I saw it, I saw it
And I said look up at that! I really hope they don't attack! Do you
See it Lizza? Do you see it Lizza? Aliens Lizza! Aliens Lizza!
Aliens Lizza. Look up!
Wouldn't it be cool if they beamed us up or something, and
There was a party going on. With alien acid house and some
Tiki drinks, that glow in the dark? And a waterslide?
That would be awesome