Beside The End Of Pain
This is the empty hearth
That I never found what Ive been looking for
I saw the immortal beauty shines
Take me out from the darkness that I hide,
Let me follow the row of a candle light
That would bring me to heaven
Aku menatap sebuah cahaya
Dari gelapnya ruangan kelam
Di himpit dinginya dinding sempit dan lembab
Terbalut putihnya kafan.
Kini dalam kesendirian telah kuhancurkan debu derita
Yang lelah ku pikul , erat menggemgamku
Forgive me for my mistake before
Wiped out your tears and smiling for me
Dont you ever remember what I had ruin
But just take a look what Ive done
This is the end of my pain, the end of my endless pain!