Bj Sam I Do
We are so happy it's your wedding day
He who finds a wife has found a good thing
Though it might be rough & stony down the lane
It may not always be rosy
After now everyone will go
But both of you still have a long to go
When the wind blow, through the rainbow
Would you still hold each other close?
Oh oh [ I do
Oh oh [ I do
Would you love forever [ I do
In good time and bad [ I do
God said, from the genesis
It's not good that man should be lonely
And made a promised
To makes man an help meet
Then God caused a man to sleep
And made a woman from his ribs
And said for this reason
A man shall leave his parent
And be cleave to his wife
And they shall become one flesh
And be cleave to his wife
And they shall become one bone
He who finds a wife has found a good thing
He who finds a wife has obtain favour
He who finds a wife has found a good thing
Do you know do you know
Oh oh [ I do
Oh oh [ I do
Would you love forever [ I do
In good time and bad [ I do
Today is your wedding day
The day the Lord has made
Let's celebrate
It is a happy day
Never listen to enemies of progress
Their mission is to destroy your happiness
Stand with each other when there's storm
Hold each other hands in the rain, in the sun
Always forgive each other's wrong
No matter who may be at fault
Because offences surely will come
But erase each other error with love
Through the heat, through the cold
Would your love still glow as snow
Through the heat, through the cold
Would you cherish each other more than gold
Oh oh [ I do
Oh oh [ I do
Would you love forever [ I do
In good time and bad [ I do
Ourjourdui ce le jour de ton mariage
Je vous souhaite heureux ménage
Ce que Dieu a uni
Que personne ne sépare