Bound For Glory Never Again!
Stones against tanks, faith versus power
Resisting the Red regime in the final hour!
Man versus beast, flesh against steel
the molotovs flying against the Iron Heel!
Truth is our weapon, faith is our defense-Let the cry of
freedom ring as we climb over the fence! Remember the
fallen and the lives they gave-Standing against your
tanks, vowing never to be slaves!
Never Again! Will your tanks roll through-Never Again! To
be sold out by the Jew! Never Again! Will you rape the
motherland-Never Again! Your demise lies in our hands!
Freedom against control, truth versus lies-Everything it
touches shrivels up and dies! Bravery versus cowardice,
hate against fear-We're sending the message: No reds are
wanted here!
Truth is our weapon, faith is our defense-Let the cry of
freedom ring as we climb over the fence! Remember the
fallen and the lives they gave-Standing against your
tanks, vowing never to be slaves!