Bouu Spongebob Came To Outer Space
It's spongee bob time
Let's go backwardz
Brothers and
Let's get in the rocket
And go to the moon
Go see the stars
Come in the rocket
Pluto is near
The sun is hot
Saturn's way colder
With blasting lava
Makes a volcano
What next?
Spongebob came the next day
With patrick+sandy
And squidward
We wen't to his house
And saw gary
Spongebob came to outer space
Mr. krabz came along
Sandy did some science
In outer space
Sponge bob
Mr. krabz and
All said wow
Then the second grader
Came to outer space
And kicked patricked
He kicked him back
Everybody started kickin'
Then everyone fall out
Of outer space
That's what happened
When spongebob came
To outer space
When sandy fell
On patrick
He yelled and
Kicked spongebob
Sponge bob
Kicked gary
Then spongebob
Crashed his drums
That's what happened
Whemn sponge bob
Came to outer sppaaaaaaaaaaceeeeeeeee!
Go cameron