Brian Dewan Loathsome Idols
I was walking down the street, yeah, what do you think I see?
An unholy ceremony transpiring right in front of me
Prostrated there in worship before an idol made of stone
They worshipped graven images carved of wood and bone
It was blowing my mind, it was blowing my mind
I grabbed a piece of angle iron and smashed the idol made of stone
I burned the graven images carved of wood and bone
"This is an abomination," I shouted to the throng
"You must not worship loathsome idols
Don't you know that your idolatry is wrong?
Idolatry is wrong"
My son put up a poster of a rock 'n' roll star
He was sneering and surly, he was playing a guitar
"Who is this bum?" I asked of him, "I do not like his kind"
He said, "He is my idol," it was blowing my mind
It was blowing my mind
I tore down the poster and said, "This I cannot condone
I will not tolerate the worship of idols in my home
Idols in my home"
I went to the Museum of Natural History
To see the newly constructed Hall of Anthropology
I looked in the display case, inside it was enshrined
A loathsome golden idol, it was blowing my mind
It was blowing my mind
I smashed in the display case and crouched in the vitrine
And pushed the loathsome idol down the mezzanine
A museum guard approached me, his official badge unsheathed
He said, "That was a priceless artifact
I must ask you to leave"
I said, "I serve the Lord your God, by whom you are employed
My purpose is to topple loathsome idols
They must be destroyed"