Bryant Oden Five Fruit Flies Flew
Five fruit flies flew through three fields,
Thirsty for free flower meals.
One fruit fly thought, "It's too far,
And hopped a ride inside a car."
Four fruit flies flew through three fields,
Thirsty for free flower meals.
Three flies fought over where to fly.
One swished away to a Swiss fish fry.
Three fruit flies flew through three fields,
Thirsty for free flower meals.
One fruit fly flew far too low.
A fast frog flicked its tongue-- uh-oh!
Two fruit flies flew through three fields,
Thirsty for free flower meals.
One fruit fly flew far too high,
'Til a sparrow swooped down from the sky.
One fruit fly flew through three fields,
Thirsty for free flower meals.
It found a flower full of food.
It slurped and slurped and burped-- how rude!
That fruit fly flittered far away,
But five more fruit flies flew that day.
Five fruit flies flew through three fields,
Thirsty for free flower meals.
That fruit fly flittered far away,
But five more fruit flies flew that day.
That fruit fly flittered far away,
But five more fruit flies flew that day.