Dan Reeder Pussy Heaven
Oh the shoes that i wear cost nine cents an hour
Which ain't norwegian union scale but hell you know I'm there
They retire at 20 with a house on a fjord
And when they're out of money they just go and get some more
And if you think it through you'll find as I found
They're just ain't enough pussy heaven to go around
And if all the Chinese hit the brakes at one time
The whole goddamn planet would stop on a dime
And one side would burn up and the other side would freeze
So if you feel the need to pity someone you can pity me
And if you think it through you'll find as I found
They're just ain't enough pussy heaven to go around
And the moral of this story is perfectly clear
While one guy walks, the other sits on daddy's lap and steers
One cup is made of silver and the other's made of clay
The rich don't ever seem to know they're rich anyway
And if you think it through you'll find as I found
They're just ain't enough pussy heaven to go around
And if we all bred ponies and sailed boats across the sea
Imagine for a minute what a mess that would be
Cause who would drive the garabage trucks and who would sing the blues
And how could guys like me afford to buy a pair of shoes?
And if you think it through you'll find as I found
They're just ain't enough pussy heaven to go around