David Bowie White Light, White Heat (l Reed)
{Verse 1} [White light] White light gonna drive me out of my brain [White light] White light gonna make me feel so insane [White heat] White shapin' them down to my toes [White light] White light's got a nana, goodness knows {Verse 2} [White light] White light gonna drive me out of my mind [White light] White light is surely gonna make me blind [White heat] White shaping way down to my toes [White light] White light could kill me now, goodness knows {Chorus} Oh, Oh, White light Oh, Oh, White light Oh, Oh, White heat Oh, Oh, White heat {verse 1} [White light] White light has got it now, goodness knows {verse 2} {chorus} {chorus} White light's a-flashin' White light Don't feel sorry What's that sound, what's that sound, don't turn on, be deader alive No feelin' Here she comes Oww, yeah [Oh, oh, oh, oh] here she comes [Oh, oh, oh, oh] [Ah, ah, ah, ah]