Deliverance Pseudo Intellectual
(Jimmy P. Brown II, George Ochoa) Defying all laws of logic Scrutinizing truth to lies To suit presuppositions, I ask why? I'm sure for greedy gain Or plain ignorance Parroting what you've heard There all lies Beware Pseudo intellectual You walk in utter darkness Pseudo intellectual Professing to be wise, you've become a fool Blind leading the blind Professors in our universities Saying the Bible doesn't compare To scientific proof I got news for you The Bible is historic literature Has survived the scrutiny Of the likes of you You think you've got the answer for everything How to refute Christianity Trying so hard to disprove it0s validity Many have tried and failed, why don't get a life You say the Bible contradicts itself I ask you, show me where, you never can Next time think twice, before you speak your tripe You've been silenced by the Scriptures Ha that's what I thought