Ike & Tina Turner The Argument
[Ike:] Tina?
[Tina:] Yes, Ikey?
[Ike:] Tell me what's wrong with you?
[Tina:] There's nothing wrong with me.
[Ike:] Ha, I hope you knew that. But then why...?
[Tina:] Why what?
[Ike:] Why have you been so blue?
[Tina:] It's been another one of those days I suppose.
[Ike:] Ha. Now I can tell when there is something that's on your mind, and if you tell me that is not, then I know you are lyin'. So tell me.
[Tina:] Tell you what?
[Ike:] Tell me what is on your mind.
[Tina:] I told you there was nothing on my mind, so I'll sing it to you! Na, Ikey!
[Ike:] Uh-huh?
[Tina:] There's nothing baby, on my mind.
[Ike:] That's right, baby, tell me it's raining when the sun is shining.
[Tina:] I said Ikey!
[Ike:] Uh-huh?
[Tina:] There's nothing baby on my mind!
[Ike:] Oh, I'll believe anything baby!
[Tina:] I would lap around my mind, you bettah let it be! Because I'm getting pretty tired, I'll be heck of a B. Na, Ikey... there's nothing baby on my mind.
[Ikettes:] What was on her mind.
[Ike:] Maybe the girls will tell, what's on her mind girls?
[Ikettes:] Now here's what's on, that girls mind, he had her thinking it was worth a crime. Now, you've got girls all over town, and no woman wants a man to be playing around!
[Ike:] Oh, so Tina?
[Tina:] Now what?
[Ike:] So that was what was troublin' you?
[Tina:] Well you heard what the girls sayin'!
[Ike:] Yea, I heard what they said! But then why...?
[Tina:] Why what?
[Ike:] Why do you lie like you do?
[Tina:] Well, I didn't really lie?
[Ike:] You know what I should do?
[Tina:] A-what?
[Ike:] Ha, I should hit you up against your head!
[Tina:] Huh-HAO, but if you had hit me, you would wish you were dead, because they told you!
[Ike:] Oh really?
[Tina:] They told you what was on my mind!
[Ikettes:] What was on her mind.
[Ike:] I don't want those girls tellin' me nothin'!
(What was on her mind.)
[Tina:] Well, you heard what the sistah's sayin'!
[Ike:] I want it from you baby.
(What was on her mind.)
[Tina:] Well, anyway whattah you gonna do about it Ike?
[Ike:] I don't know just what I might do, you know?
[Tina:] Well, whatchyou' mean by might?
(What was on her mind.)
[Ike:] HA, I just MIGHT give you a black EYE!