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Stand Up Guy Lyrics

Joy Autumn Stand Up Guy

From the doorway I watched you sleep
Wanted me to wake you but I couldn't move my feet
Couldn't give away that moment of peace
Didn't know what was happening or what to believe

When I wanted to cry
I had to plaster on a smile just to try and get by
You would say
It's all my fault
My mistake

Tell your friends
Feed them lies
You love to say you're such a nice stand-up guy
Stand-up guy
You make me cry
When you walk around with that smile on your face as you lie
You lie

You lived to put me in my place
Kept me down so low just so we'd be face to face
Always making more room for you
Rolled up all my edges but I still got bruised

When I wanted to cry
Had to plaster on a smile just to try and get by
You would say
It's all my fault
I'm to blame

Tell your friends
Feed them lies
When you're in public you're that nice stand-up guy
Stand-up guy, you make me cry
When you walk around with that smile on your face as you lie
You lie

Tell the world
Feed them lies
You'll win that Oscar and they'll say you're such a nice stand-up guy
Stand-up guy, stand-up guy
But now at least no one yells at me when I cry
So stand up guy
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