Kissogram The Deserter
wartime baby i'm leaving you now
it's like new year's eve but better somehow
i carry a picture of you in my heart
oh come on boys we're gonna ra ta ta taaa
i'm feeling good but it's crazy somehow
you're a bit crinkle but pretty aha
i love you i miss you i bla bla blah
but outside the boys do some ra ta ta taaa
i'm feeling good you know it could have been worse
you're a bit tattered and i'm a bit hurt
some boys have left me their stupid aha
everywhere everywhere ra ta ta taaa
i'm alright baby oh darling don't cry
i may dissapear but i surely won't die
my eyes are wide open my bed is so far
can't hear me can't hear you just ra ta ta taaa
it's morning it's morning but i'm really tired
good morning oh baby good bye and good night
the boys start crying sounds like ha ha ha haaa
i'm going i'm going ra ta ta taaa