Lloyd New South Wales
NEW SOUTH WALES cho: Here we are in New South Wales Shearing sheep as big as whales, with Leather necks and jaggy tails And hides as tough as rusty nails. When shearing comes, lay down your drums Step to the boards you brand-new chums With the rattum-rattum-rub-a-dub-dub We'll send you back on the lime juice tub. The brand new chums and cappy sons Fancy they're the greatest guns. Fancy they can shear the wool But the beggars can only tear and pull. Though you live beyond your means Your daughters wear no crinolines; Nor are they bothered by boots or shoes But live wild in the bush with the kangaroos. Oh it's home I'd like to be Far from the bush and back country Sixteen thousand miles I've come To spend my life as a shearing bum. Recorded by A.L. Lloyd, Clancys filename[ NEWSWALE play.exe NEWSWALE RG ===DOCUMENT BOUNDARY===