Luca Turilli's Rhapsody Of Michael The Archangel And Lucifer's Fall
Chapter I - In profundis
"To protect all that is dear to you, you can lock every door... close every road..., suspect every stranger...
But no matter how safe you think you are, there is one deadly threat you cannot keep out, and that is... your own fear"
Chapter II - Fatum mortalis
Centuries, millenniums for a story without end
Heaven bleeding, once betrayed by angels without faith
Chaos and order generating birth and death of souls
The matrix of the universe, a quantum and its source
L'umano torto col sangue lavò, nel lor peccato si spense e spirò
D'impeto ruvido il cielo crepò, al suo vagito la terra tremò
I am the child who cries, I am the grace that lies
I am the eye that stares, I am the mouth that hurts
I am the cross that bleeds, I am the hand that heals
I am the thunder's rage, I am your inner quake
Holy inner revelations, an old prophecy unfolds
A sad rhyme of mystic fading hope
A script of death and sorrow, the requiem for my world
The most epic battle that men ever told
The last revelation, the code of the codes
Through symbols and secrets the centuries spoke
Of Michael the archangel and Lucifer's fall
Beatus, qui legit, et audit verba Prophetiae
Et servat ea, quae in ea scripta sunt
Beatus, qui legit
Beatus, qui legit Prophetiae verba sacra
O, quot undis lacrimarum, sacramentum et arcanum
Draco pugnabat angeli eius, magnum in caelo factum est praelium
Non valuerunt, facta est salus veritas Christi, Dei nostri regnum
Sanctus, ego sum Alpha et Omega in nomine Dei
In the stellar fire, in the nucleus of a cell
That fragment of eternity that feeds an alien brain
In an abbey lost on Earth, the gate to astral reigns
The energy of supernovas tracing souls' new ways
Divina Madre, io rinascerò, in quella grazia che mai tradirò
Parte la sfida tra un ego ed un sè, la sfida al cosmo di un uomo, di un re
I am the child who cries, I am the grace that lies
I am the eye that stares, I am the mouth that hurts
I am the cross that bleeds, I am the hand that heals
I am the thunder's rage, I am your inner quake
Holy inner revelation, a new testament unfolds
Carved in me the power of your word
The vision and the illusion, the force of hate and love
The most epic battle that men ever told
The last revelation, the code of the codes
Through symbols and secrets the centuries spoke
Of Michael the archangel and Lucifer's fall
Beatus, qui legit, et audit verba Prophetiae
Et servat ea, quae in ea scripta sunt
Beatus, qui legit
Beatus, qui legit Prophetiae verba sacra
O, quot undis lacrimarum, sacramentum et arcanum
Draco pugnabat angeli eius, magnum in caelo factum est praelium
Non valuerunt, facta est salus veritas Christi, Dei nostri regnum
Sanctus, ego sum Alpha et Omega in nomine Dei
Ego sum principium finis, dicit Pater Dominus Deus
Deus qui est et qui erat, qui venturus est omnipotens
Ego sum principium finis, dicit Pater Dominus Deus
Deus qui est et qui erat, qui venturus est omnipotens
Ego sum principium finis, dicit Pater Dominus Deus
Deus qui est et qui erat, qui venturus est omnipotens
Ave, Mater, fons amoris, me sentire vim doloris
Fac ut tecum lugeam
Fac ut ardeat cor meum in amando Christum Deum
Fac ut ardeat cor meum in amando Christum Deum
Fac ut sibi, complaceam
O, quot undis lacrimarum, sacramentum et arcanum
Draco pugnabat angeli eius, magnum in caelo factum est praelium
Non valuerunt, facta est salus, veritas Christi, Dei nostri regnum
Draco pugnabat angeli eius, magnum in caelo factum est praelium
Draco pugnabat angeli eius, magnum in caelo factum est praelium
Non valuerunt, facta est salus, veritas Christi, Dei nostri regnum
Sanctus, ego sum Alpha et Omega in nomine Dei
Chapter III - Ignis divinus
"The divine cosmic matrix, forging heaven and hell and fueling the energy of the arcane multiversum, was calling me...
I closed my eyes and followed the archangel, leaving my beloved and tormented planet, my beloved brothers and sisters, my glory, my sin...
Now shining as a new forged star in the celestial firmament, a burning star of wild pureness and crystalline truth..."