Luke Haines England Scotland And Wales
I will write the national anthem for England, Scotland
and Wales
I will seal my reputation in England, Scotland and Wales
Winston Churchill said there's a war on in England,
Scotland and Wales
I'm at war with every last one of them in England,
Scotland and Wales
I will seal my reputation in England, Scotland and Wales
I will write a national anthem for England, Scotland and
Council homes remain unpopular in England, Scotland and
I'm not a historian, I'll say what I want to in England,
Scotland and Wales
Winston Churchill said there's a war on, George Orwell
took the Road to Wigan
I'm a war with every last one of them, Lord Beaverbrook
in charge of aircraft production
I will write a national anthem for England, Scotland and
And did those feet in ancient times walk over England's
green and pleasant land
I am a cell of one, but it get Gods work done
God save me, send me victorious in England, Scotland and
England, Scotland and Wales
England, Scotland and Wales
England, Scotland and Wales