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Eyes Of Heaven Lyrics

Mad At The World Eyes Of Heaven

'Round and around and 'round we go
Life is a Ferris Wheel
I love the ups, I'll take the downs - it shows me what is real
And then I hear you say you'll never go away, you gotta know that mean the world to me

I used to have a double mind, if you could really see me
And if I fell into a hole would you be there to free me?
But now, as I look back through happiness and pain, there's always been a sun behind the rain

Oh, there you were
Oh, there you are
In photographs when I was young and days of my life yet to come
I look at them and I can see the eyes of heaven watching over me

Some days I feel all alone and altogether rotten
Even wonder to myself "Could I have been forgotten?"
And then I hear you speak
You love me when I'm weak as much as you could ever love me strong

'Round and around and 'round we spin
This world is going crazy
I try to see the beauty there; sometimes my sight is hazy
And then you show me why you had to come and die, and give the world a chance to understand

Oh, there you were
Oh, there you are
In every word and every line of any song at any time
I look at them and I can see the eyes of heaven watching over me
Oh, there you were
Oh, there you are
With every breath I'll ever take and any step I'll ever make
I look at them and I can see the eyes of heaven watching over me
