Maus My Favourite Excuse
She's my escape from papercliptic strain and deadlines -
A cocktail of defeats and soundwaves drowning disturbing headlines
She is not a trick or a quick solution
She's a soothing drink of sweet seduction
She gives me strength to hang on
On days when everything seems lost
Keeps me sane
Builds me up again
She spreads through my system
Fuelling internal needs without all violence
Makes me feel less old
Turns death to life by filling silence
She is not fiction or a quick solution
She soothing bite of sweet salvation
She gives me strength to hang on
On days when everything seems lost
Keeps me sane
Builds me up again
Hún er mín uppáhalds afsökun
"allt gengur upp þegar ég hef þig"
Hún er mín uppáhalds afsökun
"og í þetta eina sinn þá finnst mér þú ganga upp"