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Where I Come From Lyrics

New Riders Of The Purple Sage Where I Come From


Where I come from
You can read by the light of a star
Pass the map Mahoney
It can't be all that far
I would know it anywhere
Sight unseen we're almost there
This smells like the air
Where I come from
Where I come from
All the roads are rocky and steep
And you aren't judged by
The company you keep
I would know you anywhere
Salt-sea breezes in your hair
No one to compare
Where I come from
Where I come from
Smack on the demarcator line
If the sun don't rise, y'know
Won't be for lack of tryin'
Fed-up rehearsing my part
Gonna wing this one from the heart
Only place to start
Where I come from
Where I come from
Used to be a border state
Nothin' but my own reflection
On the dinner plate
Tonight I choose to dine alone
Me and the dog might share a bone
We don't waste a crumb
Where I come from
