Pleasureville It's Always About My Dick
[Verse 1]
It's my Birthday
And everyones talking bout my dick
(He's got a big dick, Got a big dick
It's a big floppy dick now)
Theres nothing wrong with it
It's just really f..cking big
(Seen his big dick, Seen his big dick
Seen his big dick, In a public toilet now)
I got it out, And they stared at it
And they laughed
(Whats wrong with that man over theres' dick?)
It's not that bad, But i feel pretty faint
When i get a erection, yeah
(Big- big dick, big red dick
Dog red dick- dick, red dog dick)
Music in the sky
(We'll keep rolling. We'll just cut these bits in, yeah)
Huge dick right in my f..cking eye
(In his eye)
Oooh ooh
Oooghh that baby dick
Eheegghh Trotts got a baby dick
A f..ckin' baby dick
Like a cocktail sausage
Sticking from his trousers
Trying to find somewhere to go
Why's my dick look like a baby?
I really don't know...
(A whole baby?)
(Like a whole baby?)
(That doesn't sound right at all)
[Verse 2]
Ive got a big dick
It's bigger than i ever wanted it to be
(So, so big
It's so goddamn big)
It hurts, ooh, at nighttime-
It's so f..cking big
(It's really big now)
He's got a big dick (x8)
(very big, very, very big now) (x4)
It's your birthday, just for you
Got a big floppy dick, that hangs by your shoe
He's got two great big rocks
But they don't compare to his big hard cock
He'll flip-
[Guitar Solo]
Happy Birthday