Rainbirds On Tv Forever
how fast can you undress on tv you think you do it for me when you get ugly on tv you think you do it for me but once would be grand once would be splendid and then again just one such moment on tv is fine how slow can you get restless on tv you think you do it for me when you get restless you milk your dream the next one comes easy like cream yet once would be grand once would be splendid and then again just one such moment on tv is fine with me how slow can you get restless on tv you think you can do it doing it for me here comes a lazy beat with lazy fingers and yeah very me very sweet on tv for mother brother loveboy lovegirl on tv and i`m naked and late for the show naked and languid and low late for the show aren`t they deliciously strange when they grow up to be cows but once would be grand once would be splendid and then again just one such moment on tv is fine with me