Rakoth Planekeep - The Crypt
In the land of the dead shall thee travel an isle of
ghosts and demons...
For as thy knowledge be rooted in history past - thy
thoughts shall be but echoes from the crypts of the
lost and the dead...
They that stare blindly into the hall of the past shall
see not...
While he that stands aloof and notes carefully shall
find the secrets witch lie nestled along out skirting
waters... to embrace the dead as it truth is to dwell
in darkened crypts... to cast thine eyes upon the
radiant sun let this be thy truth...
Thus may one escape the crypt, and depart the island
Thus may one escape the past and depart the island
In the midst of ruin and misery shalt thy fate lie for
thou hast chosen it for thyself this way thy kin is
never innocent they said only feeble fragment of truth
they new thou art not of thy kin thou art not of any
kin in the Valley of the Doomed shall thee wander a
meadow of shattered bones and shredded flesh for as thy
eyes are shut willingly no ray of reason shall pass to
enlight thee so thou couldst rise above the blinding
mist and ascend to the Cosmic Circle
Lurk in twilight grey soft and warm safe and silent
raise not thy sight calm thyself and live in peace calm
thy soul - "live long and prosper" calm thyself and
live in peace calm thy mind and lay thyself to sleep.
Armies of raised spirits march forth the sea of the
undead is growing hazing thy sight and guarding thy
Nemesis delight - to be blindfold... liches of thy mind
leave the spellweb that binds thee to the mire of sweet
memories safer than mother's womb: "why look ahead and
see only sorrow and pain why lost thy faith in
past..."... awake
Thou shalt stay with us, the crypt awaits thy return
cantors praise thy rest in the midst of ruin and misery
shalt thy fate lie for thou hast chosen it for thyself
this way thou art of thy undead kin march with the army
stay with thy ghosts.