Scorzayzee Old School
Better late than never I was clever
Before I walked in them school gates
Looking at my mum with a sulk face
Wanted to go home I didn't care about new mates
To be honest I didn't like the smell of the place
Back then we said the Lord's prayer
Singing in assembly
You're not singing?
Than stand up it's like wembley
No P.E kit
Had to do it in your vest and pants
Check for skidmarks
I should've called Esther Rantzen
Putting my hand up just to question all the answers
Smart remarks with the back and forth banter
Introvert mindstate
I didn't like the learning curve
Plus the other kids got on my nerves
So I went home for dinner
‘cus I thought chilling with mum was better
Didn't like swimming she wrote me a letter
I used to think at 16 I'll be free as a bird
The happiest days of my life were the last days of term
On toy day bringing in my A team figures
I guess I was in the C club
Here an there with a B plus
Wasn't perfect far from a prefect
Playground full of raggy doll
Sad sacks and rejects
Cussing matches
With the bullies with the mum jokes
Run you about ya clothes
Then they punch you in the nose
Class clowns spotting
Uniform hand me downs
But the home time bell
Was the best ever sound
They say they're the best days of your life
No stress, all you had to do was read and write
Some played the game
And some played the fool
I don't know about you
But I hated school
X 2
They say I'm old school now and forgot what I learned
I should have done better I guess I got what I earned
The teachers did their best
Yeah they tried to help
Said I was intelligent but didn't really apply myself
The old cliches of life
There's no surprises
Got 5 G.C.S.E passes without revising
Excelled in religion and science but never used it
Could you believe? I actually got a U in music
That's lower than a F I must of been tone deaf
I flopped it
Still can't tell a semiquaver from a crotchet
I'm all good with that poetry did my homework
But back then It's like I didn't do no work
Scribbling and sketching
Day dream doodling my name in 3D
Now the teachers all google it
Dean Palinczuk he hated school and all the rules
Learned a little bit
Yeah but what did he do with it?
Chorus. repeat twice