Stephen & Candy Laflora Tap Into His Joy
This is the time - this is the hour For the Joy of the Lord to rise in me I am healed – and I am equipped For the Joy of the Lord to rise in me
So, I tap into His joy
So, I tap into His joy right now So, I tap into His joy
So, I tap into His joy right now Joy of the Lord in me
Interlude 2m
Chorus - Solo
Joy of the Lord rise up in me Joy of the Lord rise up in me
Verse 2X – Unison
3 Parts
So, I So, I So, I So, I
For the Joy of the Lord to rise in me
I am healed – and I am equipped
Parts2nd X-FortheJoyoftheLordtoriseinme
tap into His joy
tap into His joy right now
tap into His joy
Unison -
tap into His joy
Bridge 2X – 3 Parts
Lord, I serve You - with joy and gladness
Lord, I give You - my song of praise
As the morning rise - with my heart I will sing
Of Your wondrous love
Instrumental 8m Vamp 1 3X – 3 Parts
Lord, I come into Your presence
With my hands lifted high
Lord, I come into Your presence
I enter through Your gates
With thanksgiving on my lips
Lord, I come into Your presence
Outro – 3 Parts
Joy of the Lord rise in me Joy of the Lord rise in me Joy of the Lord rise in me Joy of the Lord rise in me