Wreck & Reference Dumb Forest
What other option is there
Than to give your head away or take the one that's given away?
Or give away your stuff to your friends?
But they don't need it either in the snake pit
You are but the snakes you f..ck
And not the other way around
I believe that you touch yourself in the dark and think about nothing
It's some way to spend your time
If two rivers down a mountain never touch, what does it matter to you?
What does it mean to you?
If you cared, the future would look different
A thousand pine needles glowing red hot
If two trees in the forest never touch, can you still see it?
The snakes become your friends
And flog you to death for your secret sin
On a thousand steel needles glowing red hot
What is another horseless cowboy
That knows no dirt
That knows no rope or brownish sunsets supposed to think?
Standing in between two rivers, close enough to only see one river
And touching themselves in the dark
I knew a cowboy once and he hit me in the gut so hard
I bled inside and I carried those guts with me forever
The strange smell of misplaced guilt ever since then
Hit me again
Hit me again
Hit me again
Hit me again
Hit me again
Hit me again
Hit me again
Hit me again
The corrugated face of the elephant
The arctic smooth of the gun
The face of the gun
The substance that bridges the gun and the elephant
To you on the other
Side of the world
But on your back just the same
Wondering your connection to them
The face of the gun
The arctic smooth of the gun
The face of the elephant and the substance that bridges the gun
To the involuntary silence of things
After they're done being things
For now
You don't know anything about silence
For now