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Timothy Lyrics

Yellow Ostrich Timothy

There's a line I could cross
I could amble right past it
Since the guards by the wall
They are no longer standing
I'm looking for a change
I'm alive for the options
See me walk patiently
See me stumble right past it

Can't you see what I am?
I'm a man with a question
How to be who I am
When it don't go without saying
There's a word for it all
I'm just trying to find it
There's a place for us all
Just need someone to build it

I'm tired out from everything I lack
So Timothy put your arms round my back
Forgot the question, sink into the scene
'Cause what's a man, I'm just as soft as I can be

Grab your coat, grab your keys
I will drive, need the power
Vibrating through my knees
We'll be there in an hour
Timothy, read the news
Tell me what I've been missing
While I've been tied to you
I would so love to listen

I'm tired out from everything I lack
So Timothy put your arms round my back
Forgot the question, sink into the scene
'Cause what's a man, I'm just as soft as I can be

Just as soft as I can be
Just as soft as I can be
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